McKinney Little League All-Star Guidelines
Revised July 1, 2024
Player Eligibility: MLLB players that play in the spring are eligible to make an All-Star team that competes against the other Little Leagues in the North Texas region if they meet the following criteria:
Have played in the Modified Kid Pitch(MKP), Minors, or Majors divisions
Have played in 60% of the teams scheduled games
Lives in or goes to school in the LL approved boundaries which include all of North Collin County
Do not have vacations planned in the month of June or early July
There are 3 different age groups (teams) and they are determined by the division you play in:
Major all-stars 12u: 11-12 year-old, must have played in the major division in regular season
Major all-stars 11u: 9-11-year-old, must have played in the major division in regular season (Could use minor players depending on availability)
Minor all-stars 10u: 8-10 year-old, must have played in the Minor division in regular season (Could use MKP players depending on availability)
Managers and Coaches: Managers and Coaches are selected by a committee of at least 3 Board members and final appointment is determined by President of the League.
Forming the Team: The team managers from each division will meet in late May to nominate the all-star candidates for each division. The President and Player Agent will oversee each meeting and work with the all-star manager to ensure the best players from the regular season are selected. It is important for all managers to be mindful of all-star caliber players on the other teams during the regular season in hopes of assembling competitive teams to represent MLLB.
The above criteria is designed for the International tournament. If MLLB elects to participate in the classic tournament, the above method maybe used with players that do not qualify for the international tournament.